CIIP: Week 6🥞
1 min read

CIIP: Week 6🥞

Earlier this week, a mama (what we call the female adults at Freedom School) asked when my internship was ending. Before I could respond “in about two and a half weeks,” Rev. Brown interjected with “never! He ain’t leavin’.” and that made me smile.

I find it absolutely crazy that we’re currently finishing up week 6. It feels weird to reflect and realize that I have been working for the network for more than a month. During our Bites of Baltimore session this week, I realized that working for the network and freedom school has not felt like an internship at all. The people involved with these organizations treated me as an equal and gave me a fair share of responsibility and I think that is one of the key reasons I have truly enjoyed this internship.

One thing though: I have not spent as much time with the Freedom School as when Rev. Brown was out of the country. I pretty much go to Pleasant Hope to do Network stuff and the kids see me and get super excited and I miss hanging and learning with them. While I’m sure it is not that big of a deal, I am still going to ask Rev. Brown if I can spend more time with Freedom School these last two weeks.

I think one of my favorite moments from this week was when a student at the Freedom School stopped in Rev. Brown’s office (where I was working then) and very inquisitively asked if I was his brother just because we both wear glasses. Since me and Rev. Brown are both in and out of Freedom School, the majority of students have not seen me and him next to each other. So next time you see two people with glasses, they must be related.