Experiencing the LA Hills and Valleys
4 min read

Experiencing the LA Hills and Valleys

But I’m adjusting. One day at a time, one week at a time, I’m getting into a better rhythm and swing of life.
Experiencing the LA Hills and Valleys
Photo of the Hollywood sign at sunset from Griffith Park

Hello friends!

I can’t count how many times I’ve started a newsletter in the last few weeks but haven’t been able to follow through in finishing it because life is hectic. But I’m adjusting. One day at a time, one week at a time, I’m getting into a better rhythm and swing of life. Moving to Los Angeles has been a rollercoaster — from the actual logistics of getting my physical apartment settled and livable to adjusting to my new job. If you’d like to know all those details, hit me up, and we’ll talk about them, but for now, here are my top 3 lessons or reflections for starting over:

  1. Things take time, so be patient. I’ve found myself frustrated with not being able to do everything I want and feeling disappointed about not being productive.
  2. Use this time to install new habits. Settling into a new environment allowed me to instill habits I’ve wanted for a while. For example — cooking! Being a student with a meal plan never made getting food a challenge. I could occasionally make my meals, but when in a pinch, I’d go down to the nearest dining hall. Now, without homework deadlines looming, I can take my time to cook regularly and try new food!
  3. Reach out to loved ones and say yes to activities. I’ve had some rough days since moving out here, sometimes even questioning why I’m here and how to my own space in the world. It’s very easy to feel alone, but with today’s tech, it’s much easier to reach out to family and friends. As hard as it is to do that at times, it has been worth it every single time.

Book Talk📚

I have a terrible habit of avoiding the spaces when I “fall off the wagon”; Goodreads is one of those spaces, especially since I am so behind my reading challenge. But its okay because I am back reading and feeling good. For the last few weeks, I’ve been reading:

  • An American Sickness x Elizabeth Rosenthal: I’m almost done and have found myself frustrated and disillusioned by our healthcare system. It’s not really healthcare as it is a business, which disgusts me because we’ve turned a fundamental right into risks that could ruin us financially.
  • The Sustainable City x Steven Cohen: I’ve read so many books on climate change and cities, but this might be one of my favorites so far. It talks about urban sustainability and reminds me how lucky I am to be able to do work I love so much. Everything this book touches on sustainable urban systems, which I work on directly at my job with Buro Happold.

Intentional Content Consumption📰

Article: How New York City Hopes to Win Its Long, Losing War on Trash - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

  • Urban waste management is a problem that affects us all, but once we take the trash or recycling out, we hardly consider what happens afterward. Waste management is a logistically complicated problem that we (society) are still trying to figure out -- from who is responsible for picking it up, where it goes, how it gets there, and what happens once it reaches its destination. Is the public sanitation department responsible or should private waste companies handle it? See the article about the "Clean Curbs" program in NYC, a pilot project, and think about how placing trash cans like it can affect your neighborhood. Is trash collection a significant issue where you are, in fact? Are you aware of it? Is composting and recycling simple to do? Know the destination of your trash?

Blooper Reel 🎞️

The only thing extra info I wanted to share is that Arsenal has won their first 9 of 10 matches for the first time in Premier League history. It is a special time to be supporting the club. For more context, definitely check out their Amazon All or Nothing documentary!

Finally, here are some of my favorite pictures from the last few months!

As I get settled, I have a few new projects I'm working on, so stay tuned for what's next!

Thanks for reading and reflecting this week! If you aren't subscribed to get this in your inbox weekly, you can here!

Awoe ✌🏾