Facing 2022 ๐Ÿณ
2 min read

Facing 2022 ๐Ÿณ

I hope that I can continue reflecting on my experiences in such a public way this year and, hopefully, grow this little community. 2021 was highly contemplative, and 2022 will be full of transitions. Iโ€™m excited to share this journey with you all.
Facing 2022 ๐Ÿณ
Virtual first day of class from snowy Perry Hall, MD

Hi friends,

Happy New Year! I wish each of you a prosperous and intentional 2022. Thank you for being subscribed to this newsletter, whether you read it the second I send it or every so often. I hope that I can continue reflecting on my experiences in such a public way this year and, hopefully, grow this little community. 2021 was highly contemplative, and 2022 will be full of transitions. Iโ€™m excited to share this journey with you all.

Rose Bud Thorn ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒต

2022 started in the most abrupt way possible: with school. I just finished the first week of the quarter (technically, my last quarter of grad school!) Hereโ€™s how it went:

๐ŸŒนWith the first two weeks of school online and Willโ€™s funeral at the end of these two weeks, I was able to extend my time at home. While itโ€™s been lovely spending all this time with my family, I definitely feel like my new year goals are on pause until I return to campus.

๐ŸŒทMy classes are super exciting! From Sustainable Energy for 9 Billion to Shaping the Future of the Bay Area and Public Speaking, Iโ€™m looking forward to expanding my urban systems toolbox! Part of the excitement stems from my opportunity to improve my technical skills.

๐ŸŒต Like my previous quarters (and basically my whole academic career), I am involved with too many activities. Outside of my three classes, I am TAing, doing research, on board with the Black Graduate Student Association, and assisting with other various organizations around campus.

I am genuinely feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything. I want to enjoy everything without feeling stressed out. While I keep reminding myself that everything will be okay and my future is absolutely not dependent on any of these classes and responsibilities, I find it difficult to not give my best effort.

Book Talk๐Ÿ“š

I read 52 books in 2021 -- more than Iโ€™ve read the last decade combined! This year, I want to read another 52 โ€” one every week. This week have read/am reading the following respectively:

  • Foundation by Isaac Asimov; you can read my Goodreads review here.
  • The 100% Solution by Solomon Goldstein-Rose; just started today, but Iโ€™m already enjoying SGRโ€™s approach at a comprehensive framework for collectively tackling climate change.

Top 5 Goals for 2022 โœ…

This year I want to Show my Work publicly. Here are my goals to do so:

  1. Tweet more โ€” at the very least once a week and not just to promote something Iโ€™m doing.
  2. Create and share personal and educational content โ€” from YouTube videos to writing my newsletter, I want to exercise my creativity through these means.
  3. Consume more climate and sustainability content โ€” I am determined to build my career in this space, with a huge focus on equity and justice at the core.
  4. Live an active life โ€” from running, playing soccer, and volleyball to hikes, walks, and bike rides; I want to be outside at much as possible and live a healthy and active life.
  5. Connect with people โ€” 2021 reminded me how fragile life is, and so I want to continue deepening relationships in my life.

Iโ€™ve put some numbers on the goals Iโ€™ve listed above so that I can keep track, but those are them in a nutshell!

Thanks for reading and reflecting this week! If you aren't subscribed to get this in your inbox weekly, you can here!

Awoe โœŒ๐Ÿพ