Haunted by the Future πŸŽƒ
3 min read

Haunted by the Future πŸŽƒ

I feel it would be super awesome to build offshore wind farms around the world. In a way, I'd have a direct hand in creating a more resilient future.
Haunted by the Future πŸŽƒ
Photo from Stanford Symphony Orchestra's Halloween Concert by Awoe

Happy Spooky Halloweekend!

This week has been a deceptively chill and realistically ass-whooping week! The quick rundown is that I stepped up the job application process with a few due this week. For some reason, cover letter writing always seems like such a huge barrier but I pushed through to write a few. In the same space as job apps, I've continued having informational interviews with people at companies I'm interested in! I feel like I've got the hang of having a productive conversation β€” the key for me here is to prepare with questions! I also share with the person that I'll be taking notes, so that makes those gaps in conversation a bit more natural. Finally, I color-code the notes I'm taking mid-conversation to ensure I ask everything I want. Here is a snapshot of what my notes look like:

One question I have is: is it strange to ask about pay? I've been told that it's taboo to talk about pay, so I never ask outright; however, I try to wriggle that into the conversation by asking questions like "how's the work-life balance and do you feel able to live your life comfortably?" Β Let me know your thoughts!

Rose Bud Thorn 🌹🌷🌡

It's been a minute, but for this week's short newsletter, I'm bringing back RBT.

🌹 I had Ethiopian food for the first time this week with new friends!

🌷 We all know I'm not really interested in construction, but lately, I've fantasized about working on climate infrastructure. I feel it would be super awesome to build offshore wind farms around the world. In a way, I'd have a direct hand in creating a more resilient future. I think my sudden desire for this comes from the Wind episode of Engineering the Future. So maybe I should act on it? What are your thoughts?

🌡 I've been sleeping less the last few weeks β€” both going to bed later and waking up earlier. I'm not a fan of this because it makes me a bit sluggish during the day. The action plan for this involves saying yes to mini-naps when I need them!

Book TalkπŸ“š

I finished Thinking in Systems, and it was such a fantastic learning and application experience! I genuinely feel like I'm thinking differently about the world around me. You can read my full Goodreads review here.

I'm slowly marching through Cixin Liu's Death's End (Three Body #3), and I love it. The stakes have been raised, and the story feels as terrifying as the first. I also started Edward Glaeser's Triumph of the City. It was recommended by my Urban Systems professor (same as Thinking in Systems).

This Week's Video πŸ“Ή

This is a short reflection this week! First, I did not get to work on my videos; however, I ran into a friend who watches my channel, and he randomly encouraged me not to stop posting videos. Sometimes it's the little things that matter, so I'm looking forward to the next break I have so I can dig back in. Finally, I feel like the busier I get with school, the less content I consume intentionally. I find that my free time should be rewarded with checking social media, and I don't like this. The action plan for this will be to read an article before starting work β€” specifically in my gap between classes this week!

Thanks for reading and reflecting this week! If you aren't subscribed to get this in your inbox weekly, you can here!

Awoe ✌🏾