My Last Summer Internship Ever 🎯
3 min read

My Last Summer Internship Ever 🎯

My Last Summer Internship Ever 🎯
Sunrise on Stanford's Campus during my morning run photo by Awoe

Hi friends!

I finished my internship this week! Actually, I'm pretty sure this is my last internship ever because I'm graduating this year and will start working full-time afterward. After that, I have a month until school starts, so I'm looking forward to working more on personal content!

Rose Bud Thorn🌹🌷🌡

🌹 The highlight of this week was all the reflection I got to do for my fellowship β€” first, I wrote a blog post. I made a video talking about my experience, and finally, I hosted a Zoom lunch where I shared my project and accomplishments with other Shultz Fellows.

🌡 One challenge this week was wrapping up my work in a way that was meaningful to me. My project was writing the first draft of a document called the Environmental Goals and Policy Report. I made a lot of progress, but I didn't get the extent of feedback I wanted, so I'm unsure about some parts of it. I just hope that it's what the office wanted and is helpful as they work to complete it.

🌷 One thing I'm looking forward to is continuing building my confidence by creating more content regularly. One of my coworkers said that it's really cool I'm working on my personal brand β€” I never thought about it like that, but I really like that perspective. If you're reading this, what does your personal brand mean to you?

Book TalkπŸ“š

I spent this week reading and listening to Range by David Epstein. My former roommate recommended it after I shared my philosophy in life (and the basis of my TEDx Talk). I held off on reading it because I didn't want something that reinforced my beliefs β€” in fact, I would like to consume content that challenges me or forces me to expand my beliefs. I say that Range definitely expanded my beliefs in a few ways. Briefly, Range is a book that debunks the conception that early specialization is the key to success in any discipline. Rather, "people who think broadly and embrace diverse experiences and perspectives will increasingly thrive." You can read more of my thoughts in my Goodreads review here.

Intentional Content ConsumptionπŸ“°

Article β€” How to Win the War on Car Idling

  • One excellent article I read this week was about Vehicle Idling. Idling is the state of leaving your car's engine on without actually driving. This practice happens when we're usually waiting for some reason (picking up kids from school, for someone in the grocery store, etc.) Unfortunately, this contributes to the climate crisis in a few ways. First, it contributes to air pollution. Second, it drives the urban heat island effect; third, it's bad for your engine. This last one is important because bad engine = it runs less efficiently, leading to more pollution. Stopping car idling is a low-hanging fruit practice we can cut to limit our environmental impact. The hardest challenge might be during extreme weather (cold in the winter, hot in the summer). In those cases, if you can go inside, then you should do that!

This week's videos πŸ“Ή

Yes, you read that correctly β€” multiple videos! I made the first as part of my internship commitments and the second one after reading Caste a few weeks ago. I hope you enjoy both!

Stanford Summer Internship Reflection Video by Awoe
Why You Should Read Caste Video by Awoe

Blooper Reel 🎞

  • Arsenal signed two players this week β€” Martin Odegaard and Aaron Ramsdale. These two signings show the club's intent on building a competitive squad for the next few years.
  • I accidentally made a lot of brownies last weekend, and it's taking me forever to eat them all!
  • I think I'm going to name this newsletter, In Retrospect. Thoughts?

Thanks for reading and reflecting with me! Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already for weekly content.
Awoe ✌🏾