Rejuvenated and Refreshed: Building Fostering Our Earth 🌱

Hi everyone!

I hope you and your loved ones are doing well. It's been a few weeks since my last update, but I've been well. From spending time in the gym to building Fostering Our Earth, I found myself feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. So let's get you caught up!

Rose, Bud, Thorn 🌹🌷🌡

🌹 I'm excited to announce the launch of Fostering Our Earth, a newsletter and podcast focused on creating a sustainable future. I'll discuss everything from the infrastructure we need to the cultures and lifestyles we must adopt. Building Fostering Our Earth has been an exciting journey, and I've enjoyed connecting with other sustainability experts. If you're interested in learning more about FOE, check out this post, where I explain my motivation and vision for the project. You can also follow it on Instagram here!

🌷 Life in LA is slowly but surely improving. I’ve struggled a bit with making new friends, but I’ve been trying to say yes to events more often β€” many of which are through work.

🌡 Last year was tough for me physically, with injuries and accidents keeping me from participating in my favorite activities. But this year, I'm determined to regain my physical best by rehabbing my last injuries and working out again. While progress has been slow, I'm hopeful that I'll be able to run pain-free soon. Fingers crossed for a breakthrough soon! 🀞🏾

Some Highlights ✨

Below are just a few pictures sharing some of what I've been up to lately!

Book TalkπŸ“š

I set a goal to read and listen to 26 books this year after falling short of my 50-book target last year. So far, I've completed six, and I have some favorites I'd like to share:

  • Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman: This book delves into time management and includes insightful ideas, like the notion that feeling overwhelmed by an impossible to-do list is irrational.
  • The Light We Carry by Michelle Obama: In this book, Michelle Obama offers advice and inspiration for pursuing one's dreams. While the advice may not be groundbreaking, hearing it from someone as inspirational as her makes it worth it.
  • Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin: This book is a beautifully crafted story about friends and the video games they create together, among other things. I'm sure it will be in my top five books for this year.

I usually read books by black authors during Black History Month, but book #3 below took the whole month, but that's okay because it was super enjoyable. So I'll try to make up for it in March – send any recommendations if you have any!

Intentional Content ConsumptionπŸ“°

I know I've spent a lot of time talking about Fostering Our Earth already, but it's something I'm really excited about it. So much of the content I consumed over the last few weeks went into writing for FOE, so I'll share some of that work below!

The first system I covered for FOE is a sustainable energy system for the future. I've discussed the necessary attributes of such a system (security, accessibility, reliability, and protection) as well as the following components:

Furthermore, I've explored two case studies on the gas stove ban (energy efficiency) and EVs & energy resilience (energy storage), with a third one on the Colorado River Crisis (renewable energy) in the works. I'm also preparing a podcast to discuss and summarize everything through an interview with an energy professional, which I'm thrilled about.

That's it for now! Thanks for reading, and I look forward to sharing more updates soon.

Thanks for reading and reflecting on this week! If you aren't subscribed to get this in your inbox weekly, you can here!

Awoe ✌🏾